Supercharge Your Arm Growth With These 6 Exercises - RED SUPPS

Let's talk about how you can get stronger arms without wasting anytime in the gym. I'm talking about six exercises that will supercharge your arm growth and provide results fast.

From bicep curls to chin-ups and weighted dips, these exercises can be done at any gym, and alternatives at home, so no excuses – let's get those arms toned up! With proper form and consistency, you'll be well on your way to developing a powerful look in no time.

So don't wait any longer – start implementing these exercises into your routine today for stronger arms tomorrow!

1. Barbell Curls 

Classic barbell curls are one of the most basic forms of arm exercise and involve lifting a barbell up toward your shoulders.

Proper form is key when executing this lift, so ensure that you maintain correct posture and use slow, controlled motions while lifting. 


Arnold Schwarzenegger was famously a fan of the barbell curl and its variations. Variations on barbell curls include incorporating different weights or changing grip positions (neutral, supinated, pronated). You can also add additional resistance bands to increase difficulty. Additionally, you could experiment with varying angles of the exercise while curling the weight in order to focus more emphasis on different parts of your arms.

Common Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes with barbell curls is swinging the weight. Many people will try to use momentum instead of their muscle strength to move the weight, resulting in incorrect form and poor results.

To get the most out of barbell curls, make sure you keep your elbows close to your sides, maintain a tight core, and use slow and controlled movements throughout the exercise. Avoiding any extra momentum or jerking motions will help ensure that you’re maximizing muscle development and avoiding potential injury.

At Home/No Gym Alternatives

Alternatives include bicep curls with resistance bands, concentration curls with a towel wrapped around the handle of a door or furniture item, and reverse curls with resistance bands.

2, Close Hammer-Grip Chinups

These are a great way to work the forearms and biceps muscles in an efficient manner. To perform these correctly, suspend yourself between two parallel bars and ensure that your grip is tighter than when executing traditional chin ups - ideally hands should be placed close together with elbows tucked in towards the body. 


Variations on close hammer-grip chinups include incorporating different weights or adding resistance bands for extra tension. Experimenting with different grips, using rings, thick bars, and more are all ways you can spice up your hammer curl game.

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes made when executing this exercise include not keeping your elbows tight in order to prevent injury as well as leaning too far forward in order to lift heavier weight than necessary for achieving desired results with this particular arm workout.

At Home/No Gym Alternatives

Alternatives include close grip chin-ups using an elastic band attached to a doorway pull-up bar as well as triceps pressdowns using the same elastic band for extra tension. 

3. Weighted Dips

Weighted dips are a great way to increase the intensity of your arm workout.

To perform these correctly, suspend yourself between two parallel bars and ensure that your body is at an angle slightly less than 90° from the ground. 


Variations on weighted dips include incorporating different weights or changing grip positions (neutral, supinated, pronated). You can also add additional resistance bands to increase difficulty. Additionally, you could experiment with varying angles of the dip bar to focus more emphasis on different parts of your arms, chest, and shoulders..

Common mistakes

Common mistakes made when executing weighted dips include not keeping your elbows tight in order to prevent injury as well as leaning too far forward in order to lift heavier weights than necessary for achieving desired results with this particular arm exercise.

At Home/No Gym Alternatives

Alternatives include bodyweight dips using a stability ball or chair and diamond push-ups on the ground as well as tricep dips using an elastic band attached to a stable object for added resistance. 

4. Close-Grip Bench Press

This exercise is an excellent exercise for isolating triceps muscles. It’s one that allows you to load the triceps with a heavier weight because you are using a barbell.

To perform these correctly, lie on a flat bench with feet planted firmly on the ground and hands placed shoulder width apart while gripping the barbell. Keep your elbows firmly tucked in and your forearms perpendicular to the ground.


Variations on close-grip bench press include incorporating different weights or adding resistance bands for extra tension. You can experiment with different widths of grip as well, being careful not to injure your wrists, and always keeping your elbows tucked.

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes made when executing close-grip bench press include curling from the elbow rather than from the shoulder as well as using too much momentum while carrying out reps instead of focusing on isolating triceps fibers being worked out during this exercise.

At Home/No Gym Alternatives

Alternatives include triceps pressbacks with bands and single arm tricep extensions with bands as well as pushups on a stability ball or chair.

5. Hammer Curls

Hammer Curls are a great way to work the forearm and bicep muscles in an efficient manner. To perform these correctly, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and make sure to keep your wrists straight during the entire movement.


Variations on hammer curls include incorporating different weights or adding resistance bands for extra tension. Performing the curls in a standing or seated position. Additionally, you could also experiment with varying angles of your upper body to target different muscles in the arms.

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes made when executing hammer curls include curling from the elbow rather than from the shoulder as well as using too much momentum while carrying out reps instead of focusing on isolating biceps fibers being worked out during this exercise.

At Home/No Gym Alternatives

Alternatives include bicep curls with resistance bands, concentration curls with a towel wrapped around the handle of a door or furniture item, and reverse curls with resistance bands.


6. Triceps Extensions/Skullcrushers

These are a great way to target triceps muscles without using any additional weight or equipment. To perform these correctly, lie flat on a bench or stability ball and hold one dumbbell with both hands behind your head before extending it up towards the ceiling in order to fully extend your arms.


Variations on triceps extensions include changing grip positions (neutral or pronated) as well as experimenting with more unilateral movements rather than bilateral actions when performing this exercise. 

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes made when executing triceps extensions include not fully extending arms each rep in order to get maximal benefit from this exercise type as well as overextending arms past natural range of motion in order to lift heavier weight than necessary for achieving desired results with this particular arm workout.

At Home/No Gym Alternatives

Alternative exercises include overhead tricep extension using a band or rope attached to a doorknob or stable object as well as skull crushers using a weight plate or heavy book.


In conclusion, these six exercises are a great way to build strong and powerful arms. With proper form and consistency, you can reach your goals faster and maximize your results. And for those of you looking for a little extra help, be sure to check out our selection of muscle-building supplements! These all-natural supplements can help give you the edge in achieving your fitness goals quickly.